Saturday, 21 May 2011

Some new naughtlia image work.
Check out the link to naughtlia myspace...some new image work there also...
two new songs in the last bit as well.

Yeah, that's the shameless self-promotion bit right there.

Chew the fat...

 Uhm, I don't know...the thought just arrived for me.   The spilling, sickening fat.

These three images here are from a work entitled, "Beyond the idea, the field, fuck".

There is a Rumi tangent at work.  Images are composed from an image of a human brain, a Glock, and a spatial field arrived at by writing Rumi quotations over top of other Rumi quotations using spray paint.

 This one here is called, "There is only so much time left to go."

Image has been left in a number of alleys, on cheap
paper, inside the scrub drive of thought and so forth.

Will be available as Tshirt shortly.
Likewise this stunning image of the "Lesbian Sex Star".  Adapted from earlier screen prints of the cosmic clam bumpers (Mother Goddess Flesh Magic)this super-swell vertical design is likely going to grind a few hips.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

This damn thing erased itself on me once now.  I see myself developing a twitch.  This is The Relaxometer.  Control your brainwaves or they will control you. 
This here is I, Sun.  It will reappear as a character, or better, as a variety of manifestations.  The sun element is composed of rifle rounds.  The Eye element; the teacher, the hermetical, the quizzical and learned and war-like and somehow oddly playful.

Like all the elements that will rise and fall in the work represented on this site, there is an observable process of dissolution and alternate integrations, the pursuit of combinatory knowledge.  The path.  Or just something dumb and needy.

Fuckin' thing I just thought about it all erasing again, twitch.  Unfocussed. 

This work is "The Soul, VLT".  It is sideways and I can't fix it.  Blogger contains insufficient knowledge to correct problem.  I,sun is present in full form and also as Eye,Alone.  The Temple Guardian (another character that has multiple and constantly renewing manifestations) is present in two manifestations, both repeating.  The Penisflower, or Dickweed, or Wholonic Stamen Principle (another icon to learn and cross identify; sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes neutral, always poignantly self aware, the still point, but throbbing element of the creation) appears in partial form, three of its eight heads making an appearance.    
Sideways again.  The Temple Guardian appears as two manifestations in the center of the canvas, either seperating on joining.  The Guided Eyefishes Absolute from the Possible Radars collide where the guardians meet.  The I, Sun has sperated completely from Eye, Alone who manifests in two forms, strongly defined from the magical word salad chaos that generates the background.  The phallic element rears its head.

"Deeper Into That Space"
This more rustic piece of work is entitled, "Standing Cunnilingus; Truck Stop Erotica".  It is meant to call up feeings of getting emptied out somewhere that lacks beauty and yet is made sweet, beautiful by the actions it contains. 
You know, like fucking in a truck stop bathroom.

The Guided Eyefish is represented by the Guiding Principles, which travel vertically in the middle of the painting.  The Temple Guardian is present as well, guaranteeing the beauty of the moment is respected. 
The last image is a bone.  It's a dinosaur bone.  Or, at least, I hope it is.  All works are available for sale, links coming soon...

People Get Mad

This is not some type of game to be interesting.  If you are interesting, the poison comes for you.

Making paintings, art, out here.  Playing the Naughtlia scene.  Hammering out that particular set of possibilities.  Also, these other images are coming up.  Becoming important, developing meaning or whatever.  Nothing too deep as that would be foolish.  Fuck, I don't know...I'm just trying to play along a little bit...So I don't have to play along a lot, you know.  The work will be appearing here, soon.